Top 10 PARKOUR GAMES #2 | PC PlayStation XBOX

Parkour games are special kind of action games that focus on performing various parkour moves in order to navigate through the levels and get to a final goal. Parkouring is very hard in real life, but when it comes to gaming, you can pretty much play this games even if you are a newbie. So, we’re here to highlight some of the best parkour games you can play.


00:00 Intro
00:12 Ghostrunner
02:21 watch dogs 2
03:12 Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales
04:06 Severed Steel
05:05 My Friend Pedro
06:19 Infamous Second Son
07:22 Hot Lava
08:39 Super Cloudbuilt
09:40 Ninja Pizza Girl
10:46 Refunct
11:55 404Sight

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