Parkour games are special kind of action games that focus on performing various parkour moves in order to navigate through the levels and get to a final goal. Parkouring is very hard in real life, but when it comes to gaming, you can pretty much play this games even if you are a newbie. The list of 15 Top PC parkour games is below.
00:00 Intro
0:21 Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst
01:57 Assassin’s Creed: Origins
02:55 Dying Light
04:12 Titanfall 2
04:51 Dishonored 2
05:49 Rise of the Tomb Raider
06:49 The Saboteur
07:43 Far Cry 4
09:03 Thief
10:08 Prototype 2
11:13 Remember Me
12:40 Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
13:45 Vector
14:56 Middle-Earth: Shadow of War
16:16 BRINK
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