Top 15 Parkour Games for PC

Parkour games are special kind of action games that focus on performing various parkour moves in order to navigate through the levels and get to a final goal. Parkouring is very hard in real life, but when it comes to gaming, you can pretty much play this games even if you are a newbie. The list of 15 Top PC parkour games is below.

00:00 Intro
0:21 Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst
01:57 Assassin’s Creed: Origins
02:55 Dying Light
04:12 Titanfall 2
04:51 Dishonored 2
05:49 Rise of the Tomb Raider
06:49 The Saboteur
07:43 Far Cry 4
09:03 Thief
10:08 Prototype 2
11:13 Remember Me
12:40 Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
13:45 Vector
14:56 Middle-Earth: Shadow of War
16:16 BRINK

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